Veselin Raychev

Serial entrepreneur, top researcher, co-founder of DeepCode (acquired by Snyk), PhD from ETH Zurich.


With a PhD from ETH Zurich focused on programming paradigms, Veselin has years of industry experience at Google, Motorola and Snyk. He has published leading research on code models, and his PhD thesis was instrumental in starting the area of AI for Code and for this work, he received the ACM Doctoral Dissertation, Honorable mention award (top 3 dissertations in the world across all areas of computer science), a remarkable achievement!

Raychev completed his B.Sc. (2006) and M.Sc. (2009) from Sofia University. Earlier he graduated from the Sofia Math High School (SMG) where as part of Bulgaria’s national team, he won a medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).

As a serial entrepreneur, Veselin most recently co-founded DeepCode, which was acquired by Snyk, a prominent $8B cybersecurity unicorn. As part of his work in INSAIT Veselin launched BgGPT: a series of state-of-the-art generative AI for the Bulgarian language.